Case Study

Foodbuy’s Programs Help A Popular Pizza Chain Improve Profitability

The Challenge:

The food industry is a tough market to crack, and making the right choices to drive profitability are crucial to overall business success. So what can a business do to ensure they maximise their procurement efforts to tip the profit scales in their favour? Operating out of the Prairies, a Foodbuy Member which is a popular multi-unit pizzeria offering both dine-in and take-out options, looked to optimise its procurement to boost profitability.

This Member has been struggling to control rising operating costs and the fluctuating price of ingredients. Add in stagnant growth which made them realise that their existing approach was leading to unimpressive results. This was costing them missed opportunities for potential savings. 

This Member was clear about their requirements; Find solutions that would streamline their procurement efforts, reduce costs and increase business profitability. 

The Solution:

Foodbuy conducted a complete review of their overall procurement procedures and vendor programs. The team looked at optimising products where Foodbuy’s programs delivered better value or rebates, and/or enhanced quality objectives. 

All Foodbuy purchasing programs are designed to offer solutions which can simplify our Members’ operations and lower overall costs. For this Member, Foodbuy’s rebate program, helped the Member make informed procurement choices to fuel business growth. 

With Foodbuy’s extensive network of supplier partners, this Member was able to access exclusive rebates on key ingredients and supplies. Acknowledging the beneficial collaboration with Foodbuy, the Member admits, ‘I guess I should’ve listened to you a year ago’.

The Results:

The implementation of Foodbuy’s rebate program yielded significant results for the Member. 

  • Switching for success: Foodbuy was able to help the Member switch their key ingredient, mozzarella, to a different brand. Their previous mozzarella supplier did not provide rebates.
  • Steady stream of rebates: The Member has earned over $45,000 in rebates between March 2023 and February 2024.
  • Bolstering profits: Prior to joining Foodbuy, a Market Basket was created, and Foodbuy demonstrated a 57% increase in rebates compared to the Member’s existing GPO partner at that time.

Foodbuy is dedicated to helping its Members with data-driven insights, resulting in value-add recommendations to optimise purchasing strategies and help them navigate market fluctuations effectively. By choosing to partner with Foodbuy, this Member successfully optimised its procurement practices, improved profitability, and gained a strategic advantage in the market.

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